Through it all – He is Holy

"When reports come in of wars and rumored wars, keep your head and don't panic. This is routine history; this is no sign of the end. "

At the beginning of the year nobody would have predicted the events that have been taking place in recent weeks, and that are still taking place today, as waves of civil unrest sweep across Africa and the Middle-East and event threaten to touch nations such as China. We’re not removed from it here in the UK either as rumblings against cost-savings, student fees, petrol prices and more lead to threats of strikes and “action” within our nation.

On top of this there have been the natural disasters in Australia and New Zealand, the on-going rebuilding of Haiti and Pakistan and the war in Afghanistan and conflicts in Iraq.

The situation in Libya has particularly shaken and scared me as I’ve read and watched the news of people being killed by Gaddafi and wondering just what atrocities his insanity will lead to. I’ve found my heart crying out and my soul shaken and unsettled, with the only possible response being to call out to God for His peace, mercy and endless Love.

Then one song struck home with me and made me realise that through it all, and even if we can’t see it, He is Holy. Gods heart breaks at the suffering and the hurting, and it’s hard sometimes to see suffering and equate that to a loving Father – but without getting into the whole debate over free will etc all I can say is that faith and personal experience speak louder than words to me.

The song I’m talking of is by Jesus Culture over at Redding in the USA and the first time I heard it (last year) I was knocked off my feet. Over this past week or so I’ve watched this, listened to it, played it on my guitar and sung it in the loo soooooo many times that it really can only be the result of my heart crying out.

Lord, hear the cry of my heart.

There’s not much more I can say really. I don’t want to belittle all that’s going on by discussing the cancellation of the Grand Prix in Bahrain, and I’m not going to go down the road of discussing the whole “wars and rumours of war” from Matthew 24.

All I can do is pray that Peace and Mercy will come to these nations and that there will be no reprisals and that fears of fundamentalism taking hold of these nations prove unfounded.

All that can really be said is “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on Earth as in Heaven”

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