There are times when the hearts and souls of every human being cry out in horror, agony and helplessness.
There are times when people, quite understandably, ask WHY and HOW.
There are times when God can appear, on the surface, to be nowhere and completely incomprehensible.
There are times when the heart of God cries out more than ever and when He mourns and weeps for His children.
The statistics, such as they are right now, are frightful and completely swamp our understanding. 50,000 is one figure that has been mentioned. 1 Runway. Aid struggling to get through, and what aid there will be will not be enough to rebuild that place or rebuild damaged lives.
This is the time when we need to be compassionate, human and to cry out.
NOW is the time we need to put aside that cinema trip, that chinese takeaway, the new DVD, that flash new toy – and NOW is the time we need to help rebuild Haiti. To do our part within the global community and to give everything we can to help.
Please – visit or and donate. Do whatever you can to help. Please.