** PAUSED **

… Press Pray to Continue.

The road to moving home is never fully smooth, and pretty much always throws up the odd surprise along with a bit of tension and even a few tears. When it’s God telling you to move, you kinda hope, and pray, that the road will be smooth and that things will almost fall into place.

A naive perspective I know – but when you’re talking about God then it can also be seen as a trusting faith as you step into what God’s called you to. Yes, I know that when God calls the road is rarely smooth and rosy (just look at Moses, Joseph, Mary, John the Baptist etc…) – even so, we were hoping that this would be the case here.

Instead we are now at a point where we’ve had to press the pause button on the story of our move. Yup, we’ve had to take the house off the market *sob*

We’d set ourselves a target time, due to various reasons, of the October half-term as the cut-off date for the move and when we finally hit the point where that wasn’t going to happen we made the painful call to take the house off.

And it hurts. We KNOW that God is telling us to move. We KNOW that Rugby is our destination. If we ever drive past it there’s a longing and a pain in the pit of our stomachs. What makes it worse is we know that there’s a good reason for the delay, it’s just that God hasn’t told us yet. This is obviously a part of the process He wants us to go through and there are things we need to do/learn/act upon/whatever during this hiatus in proceedings.

We’ve not dropped the plans. We’ve not decided that we’re not moving. We don’t feel that “we got it wrong”. We just don’t fully know Gods roadmap for the journey He is sending us on.

The house will go back on the market next spring and we’ll be praying and looking to move sometime in the summer ahead of new school years and, in the case of our eldest, college. In the interim period we’ll be getting on with life and doing a few more jobs on the house that need doing…

And then we’ll kick it all off and hopefully we’ll move to Rugby.

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