Wow. I can sure spout enough waffle can’t I. Just gone back through the archives here and discovered that this incarnation of the blog is now just over 5 years old! Tempus Fugit.
It’s the good thing about keeping a blog, this ability to go back and read what was running through my mind and what was grabbing my attention at any point. Of course, that relies on me keeping the blog fresh and up to date – there are some notable instances in the past 5 years where that hasn’t happened but I am getting better.
So what prompted the time travel excursion through the brain dumps of my mind? Well, I was going to build a page that linked all the articles I’ve done regarding our house move saga. It’s been a huge part of our life, and purpose, for so many years now and the journey leading up to where we are today has been fascinating (well, from my perspective anyway) in the way the God has worked our roots loose ready for transplanting in a new location.
What I wasn’t fully prepared for was the sheer number of posts, the length of them (I told you I can waffle!), and the time period they covered. It’s been a LONG road – and it’s not yet done!
I’ve gained quite a few new readers since we began on this journey, so not everyone has been with us since the start and don’t know the full story. With that in mind I’m going to do a recap post I think – one that summarises the story so far and gives a bit more insight into the overall saga.
The other thing that’s become rather obvious, as I’ve trawled through the library of my life, is that there are subjects I don’t write about enough whilst there are others that deserve a higher prominence here. So over the coming weeks I’m going to do a bit of tweaking in regards to the categories, tags and overall structure of the blog(as time and house move allows – although this will probably be my therapy away from it all.) There’s also a chance that this will lead to a few tweaks in the layout and in the way that I highlight key posts.
The other thing I’d love to do is make it easier for folks to comment, without leaving myself open to spam. I’d really love to get peoples responses to posts and to get a feel for how people are connecting with us. Not sure how I’m going to manage that one…
Anyway, to sum up: There’s going to be a “journey so far” post coming very soon, I’m going to be fiddling with things so there may well be some changes coming, and I’d really love to hear your thoughts and responses to the articles I post here!
Keep’em peeled folks 🙂