Woohoo – it’s time again for more Wallpaper Memory verse fun 🙂
Yup, we’ve just started a new series of teaching at KingsGate called “From a Reed to a Rock – the Making of a Disciple” looking at the life of Peter and how we can learn from him and grow ourselves.
Dropped on us at small group last night was the nice sheet that contained MEMORY VERSES!!!
So, I thought I’d throw together some quick wallpapers – and instead of doing them week by week and getting behind I have done all of them in one fell swoop… so here they are! (click the read more to see them 😉 )
Download and enjoy 🙂 I hope they are helpful, please comment if you have found them useful.
Note: If you click on the images you will get a larger preview – to download them right-click and then “save link” from the larger preview window.

Thanks Mike!!