Title: The Blue Zone
Author: Andrew Gross
Genre: Crime / Thriller
Storyline: A loving father and family man is suddenly arrested by the FBI with accusations of money laundering. He and his family are placed in the witness protection program after he agrees to turn on the group he had helped. All except his eldest daughter who has a life of her own and won’t give it up. Life then takes a turn as he disappears and their case agent is found tortured and killed…. suddenly the daughter is caught between multiple factions and not knowing where to go, who to trust and what will happen next.
Review: Andrew Gross has written 5 novels as co-author with James Patterson but the style of this one is unique to him – a nice thing to note as he’s not just a Patterson clone. The book has plenty of twists and turns in the plot and you are never sure who can be trusted – meaning you are along for the ride with Kate Raab (the daughter.) The story is well written and has plenty of excitement to keep going, but also enough character building to make you feel for the people involved. There’s also a nice dose of red herrings included to keep you wondering. All in all a very well written book and one that will no doubt be read again, with new things discovered with every read.
Score: 4.2/5