Opening doors, new chapters, excitement and a few wistful thoughts (but no regrets)

Summer. A time for kids to have fun with no school work. A time for holidays and family memories. A time where companies are always short-staffed whilst staff jet off all over the place paying the extortionate rates that the travel companies charge. A season of, in Britain at least, changeable weather and unpredictability.


For the last three years it has also marked a big season of change for us. Not something people associate with Summer – Spring and Autumn are the changing seasons after all.

3 summers ago, in 2009, a potato company I worked for went bust. Don’t ask me HOW a spud firm can go bust but this one managed it. Last summer venture capitalist funding got pulled on a startup company that I was very fond of. This summer, a change again as a door closed.

Some folks might feel paranoid, superstitious or wonder what is wrong with them. Us… we knew it was coming. It helps when the big guy upstairs paves the way for you. Doesn’t mean that it’s easy, or even pain-free, but there is a reassurance and comfort in knowing that it’s part of a plan.

It’s crazy – plenty of folks have commented now about this becoming a feature of our holidays, our summers… but this will hopefully be the last one for a while. We’ve been put through the forge, honed, prepared and led to this point – we don’t know fully why or for what purpose but there is a reason and a plan, a future and a hope. This one has the feel of being the culmination of what has gone before and heralding a new beginning for us as a family.

The thing about new doors opening, is that other doors close as a result. When you walk through one new opportunity, it means that you’ve moved on from where you were.

And no matter how exciting it is to know that God is in control, it’s always sad to move on from where you are at. No regrets, but a few tears and some wistful thoughts to take along.

I start at my new job on the 5th September (hopefully – got all the criminal checks etc first :-D) and we’re already looking at where that leaves us, where we should go and when. Today was one of those small steps out of one thing and towards the next as I stepped down from the Production Department at KingsGate. I’ve had a blast in the last three years doing all sorts of crazy stuff and being able to play a part in impacting peoples lives, but this was the time to move on and to reflect on what I’ve learnt – technically, spiritually, personally and more.

The future is exciting. I’ve always said that if I picked on verse as a “life” verse it would be Jeremiah 29:11-13:

For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.

There are nerves – this is likely to be a time of huge change for us as a family. There is a thrill – we’re stepping into something that is coming from someone infinitely more than we are. There is sadness at moving on, but joy as well.

In the words of Matt Smiths Doctor – GERONIMO!


Cleansed, Challenged and Changed

Encounters with God are meant to be life-changing, releasing and sometimes very humbling events. This should be something that happens on a regular basis within our Churches, and I’m very pleased to be part of a Church where that is often the case. However, for one weekend in June, KingsGate Community Church becomes a highly passionate focus for life-changing freedom as it hosts an annual retreat for people who have done/are doing the Cleansing Stream course – including many from different Churches across England.

Cleansing Stream is a series of teachings designed to help unearth and, more importantly, tackle issues that have a profound and often crippling effect upon peoples lives. The course itself isn’t without it’s detractors and has courted some fairly controversial reviews, especially across the pond. All I can say is that, doing the course myself this year, I have no doubts as to it’s legitimacy, it’s effectiveness nor it’s biblical foundation. I also have a huge amount of trust and respect for the discernment and knowledge of the KingsGate leadership, and know that they wouldn’t be a part of it if this was in any way unbiblical.

The teaching evenings include a time of worship, with a group of intercessors being present to pray for all the participants by name and who then go into a seperate room to continue to pray whilst the teaching is delivered. Because the subjects are so very personal, there is further study work that helps to get us thinking about the issues discussed and examine how they might be a part of our own lives.

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Alive! Death could not keep Him, the grave had no power, hell was defeated!

After the sombre meditations of Thursday and Friday, the main event and the reason for it all came to fruition on the third day.

Today is the real birthday for all Christians, the day that Christ came to Earth for – to free us all from sins grasp and to give us an open road to our Father in Heaven.

I *love* Easter – with a passion. Something in my spirit, in my soul and in my body just leaps for joy at this time of year. I know that I have a future, there is a great eternity for me all because of Jesus breaking the stranglehold of sin and the grave.

The story is not yet over – we don’t know when the final chapter will take place – but the fact is that there is only our pride and our own minds that can get in the way of us knowing Gods Love.

I rediscovered it 3 years ago, and there’s not a day goes by where I don’t rejoice in that fact.

My prayer is that if you haven’t discovered this joy, that you will come to know it.


More than one man can take

It was 24 hours that would make a day in the life of Jack Bauer seem like a cuddly fuzzy teddy bear.

It started with a dinner party with the closest friends a man could have, followed by a sing-song and a walk in a garden, then some deep soul-searching. This was then rounded off with the cruellest of betrayals along with the desertion of friends and even being denied by the closest of them all, a farcical pretence of justice, a beating to within an inch of his life, humiliation, one of the most tortuous deaths known to man, rejection by a father and a descent to hell that no man can begin to comprehend.And that was just the first 24 hours – the story wasn’t over there. Continue reading “More than one man can take”

Conflict, Comfort Zones and Fractured Heroes

“I need to get out of my comfort zone” or even worse “They need to get out of their comfort zones” – those phrases have always, sometimes irrationally, wound me up. The first as I’ve always found myself thinking “well do it then”, the second as it has always appeared judgemental and holier-than-thou and yet the past year or so I have found myself increasingly challenging myself with the uncomfortable. Making myself ask questions that can give me headaches.

There’s always need for caution though. I don’t want to walk the path that is lined with fluffy thought clouds and warm fuzzys, but I think there can also be a real danger in challenging yourself too much. Overthinking can lead to less faith, more logic (not necessarily more truth though!) and would probably turn me into a completely paranoid conspiracy nut who wouldn’t believe in anything – in fact I’d probably end up questioning it was raining whilst being stood outside getting soaked!

So why am I sharing these somewhat jumbled thoughts?

Continue reading “Conflict, Comfort Zones and Fractured Heroes”