My favourite time of year

Easter. A time of rememberance, of meditation, of celebration and rejoicing.

I LOVE Easter so much. For me it’s the best time of the year and the one that stirs my heart more even than Christmas.

I love to spend time focussing on all the Christ has done for me (and for YOU!) and reading the accounts of His last few days and all the He went through – and of course, the joyous resurrection! I love to meditate, to pray, to celebrate communion with others in memory of the last supper. I love waking up on Easter Sunday knowing that nearly 2000 years ago, Christ rose again giving me the chance to know a new life, a new hope and a new eternity. Continue reading “My favourite time of year”

Who is Jesus? Do you know Him?

We’ve just started a new series at Church looking at “Jesus: Close up”, an ideal subject for the build up to Easter (my favourite time of year!) and the sermon this Sunday was looking into “Who is Jesus?” [you can download here!]

It’s not necessarily as straight-forward to answer as you may first think because there is just so much to who He is and even though I’ve grown up knowing about Him, I still learnt a fair bit from the session and it was really good having a refresher session on areas I probably havbe taken for granted.

Dave Smith (and Karen) has just returned from a mini-sabbatical and really seems fired up in a new way following visits to many churches around the world and there is a passion that fills all he says which makes the talks even more powerful. There seems to be a real sense that we are entering the “second chapter” of the churches history and that there is something big on the horizon.

At the end of the sermon we were shown a video clip which I have since found on YouTube and have put here for your enjoyment 🙂

Have a listen, enjoy, be blessed… and be challenged!

P.S. Hope you’ve noticed the new Worship Videos on the right-hand side? This is a playlist I’ve made on YouTube and will change every now and then.

Making Life Work – or at least, trying to!!!

We’re now 2 weeks in to the new season of teaching at KingsGate, using Bill Hybels’ rather excellent “Making Life Work” book to take us through Proverbs and then looking at how this can affect different areas of out everyday lives.

The first session was looking at Wisdom – and boy did I feel foolish by the end of *that* one! (and supremely challenged it has to be said), and last Sundays session was about taking the initiative and “getting a grip)

As part of the series everyone in housegroups were given a copy of the book to work through and to study as a follow-up on the Sunday teaching and to use when we meet as groups. We have also been challenged to learn one proverb each week in line with the sermons.

It’s YEARS since I’ve done any form of memory verse and getting back into the habit has proven to be somewhat fun! Yeah, I know that I need to do more of it… but I’ve gotten out of the habit and now I really need to work to get back *into* the habit.

As an aide-mémoire I have started to create some desktop background images containing relevant images along with the proverb of the week… and being the sort of person I am, I thought I’d upload them here. (And by “the sort of person” I mean the sort who forgets so often it’s useful to keep such things on the Internet where I know I can find them wherever I am!)

So here they are in all their glory – to get hold of the images for parts 2 to 5 simply click on the desired image and then save it for your consumption. Hope they help others of you out there as they are helping me! Continue reading “Making Life Work – or at least, trying to!!!”