Honestly… it really did – you believe me, don’t you?
Ok Ok so I don’t have a dog and it’d be hard for the dog to eat them anyway so it doesn’t really wash as an excuse. Was worth a try anyway.
In all fairness, I *do* have a blog post drafted on my work laptop but I’ve been having a few issues since my websites were moved to a new server (typical that the fault only seemed to affect me but such is sods law eh?)
6 months… that’s how long I’ve now been up to my ears in spuds (well, not quite but you know what I mean) – yup, half a year has now passed already at my new job. Maybe somewhat surprisingly, I’m still enjoying myself.
Don’t get me wrong – it’s not all roses and sunshine, but the job itself is highly enjoyable and I am still loving it.
I’m currently stuck in loads of meetings (3 last Thursday alone and more scheduled in this week!) and buried in 4 major, business-critical, projects and I’m having to learn a lot at high speeds. But it’s making life fun, and means there is never a dull moment.
So, what else has been happening…
We managed to get away on holiday last month – visited the lake district (first time for me) and had a really nice time. Loads of great places to visit for the kids (Beatrix Potter exhibition) and for us (Motor Museum) and plenty of really good roads for driving on.
The holiday also gave me a chance to crack on with reading – life had been so chaotic that books were taking sooooo long to read – and since then I must have read about 8 novels and I am hoping to get some reviews posted as I’ve now started reading some different authors.
Other exciting happenings include my sons first school sports day – his team came first so he was well chuffed. We’ve also started to witness the end of many TV series for the summer, entering that dull period when not much is on except fluff programs to fill the time. Dr Who has ended, CSI Vegas and NY have ended (although Miami is returning!), Boston Legal and Jericho end this week… and no doubt more will finish soon (house, cold case, criminal minds to name but three)
I’m about the get my hands on a BT Vision box – moved away from PlusNet a short while ago as I wanted to play with a few new bits that PN weren’t offering. Looking forward to playing with Video On Demand and enjoying the fact that we get a 100% perfect freeview signal (thanks to our aerial upgrade last year)
Anyway – that’ll do for now… have fun!