Ten Years – Who’da thunk it!

June 3rd 2000 and a gorgeous woman said “I do” and, in front of a large gathering of friends and families along with our Heavenly Father, we were married.

The last ten years haven’t all been smooth going, but no marriage ever is. There’s been rough patches, arguments, tears, hurt and more – but above all there’s been Love and the happiest days of my life.

She’s been there when I’ve struggled, stuck by me when I lost my faith, kept with me when my health was not good and loved me no matter what.

One thing we’ve not managed to do in that ten years, well not since our honeymoon,  has been to escape on our own for a romantic getaway and just be ourselves with no kids or time constraints. So I had to fix that 🙂

Cue a load of hushed messages, hidden agendas and huge amounts of googling – combined with a long drive! The end result was 5-ish days away from the kids, waking up and going to sleep with this view outside of our bedroom window

Kirkcudbright - Scotland

A four-star B&B in Kirkcudbright right in the south of Scotland (near Dumfries) was our home for the week where we were looked after by the wonderful Eileen Garroch (visit the B&B website here and if you pay her a visit say hi from us!) and made to feel like royalty.

The countryside was so beautiful, the food glorious, the weather wonderful and the company beyond comparison.

To summarise the week quickly: Fish & Chips, Castles, Hill walks, lighthouse, harbours, seafront restaurant, bagpipes, handmade chocolates, David Coulthard museum, ice cream, books, coffee, cakes, beaches, food and relaxation!

A better summary would be the photos below 🙂 More are available to friends on facebook!

Thanks to everyone :)

I passed into the “Mid-30s” bracket yesterday, turning 35 – now requiring me to tick the box that says “35-44” instead of “26-34” on a lot of the surveys i always seem to get in the inbox routinely.

Didn’t feel much like a birthday for most of the day, although Mrs H did put a smile on my face when she crawled out of bed to make sure she’d given me her card and wished me a happy birthday at 6:50am before I left for work. The birthday really took off when I arrived home to have the 3 kids jump from the fence next to the gate screaming “Happy Birthday” and then rushing into the house to give me their cards and gifts.

I got given loads of CDs (got to catch up on all the stuff I’ve missed for the past few years you know 😀 ) which have now all been turned to MP3s ready for my car stereo.

So it’s a huge thanks to all those who got in touch yesterday and for all the great gifts and cards… can’t wait to start learning all the lyrics so that I can get singing along (poorly) to them all 🙂

Christmas comes early…

This weekend we took advantage of the generous Birthday and Christmas presents for 2008 from my brother – both Mrs H and I went to Silverstone for the British Grand Prix (along with my bro and the missuses sister)

The summary of the weekend – Sunburn and Hypothermia… rolled into one… but huge grins through the tiredness that results!

Yup – the British summer well and truly reared it’s head at the weekend with Friday being roasting hot and us all catching a bit too much sun, Saturday being wet in the morning but OK-ish in the afternoon, and Sunday being a soaking, freezing day which was *really* uncomfortable at points.

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