Title: Split Second
Author: David Baldacci
Genre: Crime/Thriller
Storyline: Guarding a radical political candidate, Secret Service agent Sean King is distracted long enough to allow for an assassin to kill the protectee. Several years later fast rising Secret Agent, Michelle Maxwell, is lead agent for a candidate who is kidnapped. When dead bodies start turning up to unravel Kings new life, the two disgraced agents join forces to unravel the web of lies, murder and vengeance.
Review: This is the first of the King & Maxwell series of books although not the first that I’ve read and it’s always interesting to see how a story begins. I realise a lot of people will have started here and moved through the series but I tend to pick books up when I see them on offer and give them a try so can’t always guarantee going 1.2.3 😉
Baldacci is a great storyteller, writing in a smooth and easy manner that means your focus is on the characters and the plot rather than deciphering the overly-clever style that some authors can use. He’s also an author who doesn’t resort to sex and swearing to sell the story – I struggle when a book is full of F-bombs for no reason. Seriously, if I met people who swore as much as some of the characters in some books I would probably choose to go deaf voluntarily!
There are twists and turns aplenty in this book, and you are never fully sure who to trust or where to focus and this makes for a really enjoyable ride.
I’ve now read 3 books by Baldacci and have to say that his books are definitely going to be a permanent feature of my bookcases from now on. 🙂
Score: 4.5/5