WOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
I’ve got the job!
At ten to three this afternoon the email came through offering me the job – to say we are over the moon is an understatement, although admittedly our immediate feeling is one of relief but the bouncing and hollering will come when it sinks in fully.
I start in a couple of weeks which is also nice as it gives me a couple weeks of holiday with the family before getting really stuck into things and it also gives me time to do some sorting out and “stuff”.
Anyway – that’ll do for now… I’m gonna sit and ponder and let it all sink in now.
Before I go though – a really HUGE THANKS to everyone who has been praying and helping us. We’ve really known Gods presence during this time and we’ve felt so loved by everyone it’s been amazing. God is Good – and he NEVER lets us down when we trust in Him and follow His will.